MapHospitals helps you find the top Oophorectomy Hospitals in New Delhi. We traces the positive and negative aspects of all the top Oophorectomy Hospitals, to flick the best one for you.
The primary objective of MapHospitals is to review or analyse the reputation of Oophorectomy Hospitals in New Delhi and list them with their respective rankings which helps the medical tourists across world to pick the appropriate one for their need. We work on an algorithm based on social following, search trends and past reviews which helps us rank Oophorectomy Hospitals.
Oophorectomy Oophorectomy is the surgical process to remove one or both of ovaries, which is the part of a woman's reproductive system which stores and releases eggs for fertilization and produces female sex hormones. Oophorectomy is done alone or also done with part of a hysterectomy. Oophorectomy surgery is often needed when pelvic disease, called ovarian cancer, is present. And for sometimes it is recommended when the body hormones are produced by the ovaries which will make a disease such as breast cancer or the severe endometriosis worse. In some of the cases ovaries are removed to reduce the possibility of developing a future disease, such as ovarian cancer. This is also called as prophylactic oophorectomy. What are the reasons to have an oophorectomy surgery? Most hysterectomies do not include oophorectomy. Oophorectomy surgery is done for conditions and diseases such as: Heredity (inherited) diseases. Women who have certain abnormal genes have an increased risk for developing ovarian cancer before age 70. Breast cancer. Hormones produced by the ovaries increase the risk of breast cancer. Oophorectomy may reduce the risk of breast cancer.