MapHospitals helps you find the top Cyberknife Radiosurgery Hospitals in New Delhi. We traces the positive and negative aspects of all the top Cyberknife Radiosurgery Hospitals, to flick the best one for you.
The primary objective of MapHospitals is to review or analyse the reputation of Cyberknife Radiosurgery Hospitals in New Delhi and list them with their respective rankings which helps the medical tourists across world to pick the appropriate one for their need. We work on an algorithm based on social following, search trends and past reviews which helps us rank Cyberknife Radiosurgery Hospitals.
Cyberknife Radiosurgery The CyberKnife is a frameless automated radiosurgery framework utilized for treating generous tumors, threatening tumors, and other medicinal conditions. The CyberKnife framework is a technique for conveying radiotherapy, with the goal of focusing on treatment more precisely than standard radiotherapy. The two principle components of the CyberKnife are: The radiation delivered from a small linear particle accelerator An automated arm which enables the vitality to be coordinated at any piece of the body from any bearing. Image guidance The second is that the CyberKnife framework utilizes an image guidance framework. X-beam imaging cameras are situated on backings around the patient permitting immediate X-beam pictures to be acquired. 6D skull The first (and still used) strategy is called 6D or skull based tracking. The X-ray camera pictures are contrasted with a library of PC produced pictures of the patient anatomy. Fiducial For delicate tissue tumors, an alternative known as fiducial tracking can be used. Small metal markers (fiducials) prepared out of gold for bio compatibility and high thickness to give great complexity on X-ray pictures are surgically embedded in the patient.